My Divorce Experience

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I know ya'll saw this 1


*Underlined Texts link to Exhibits*

All Exhibits are publicly available in Winchester's Circuit Court Clerk's Office.

06/0/17 - Things got a lot different after the birth of our second child.

07/26/17 - The coercion coaching phone call w JJ McGuire.

Exhibit PHONE LOG; Exhibit Text Conversation

08/01/17 - The Coercion Contract Execution.


It's got some discretionary clauses; especially the parts about thoughtful negotiations and time to consider.

01/??/18 - JJ McGuire schedules a Child Support Hearing in JDR court.

04/09/18 - JJ McGuire nolle se (dismisses) Child Support Hearing.

Exhibit NonSuit

Knowing Support is an issue, reserved Court as the solution in the Coercion Contract, JJ goes through the trouble to initiate and decline a support hearing.

American Bar Association's Model Rules of Conduct - # [5] " ... not to harass"

08/02/18 - JJ McGuire Files the COMPLAINT with CIRCUIT court.


It mostly consists of JJ asking for fees.

08/??/18 - I hired Lorena Smalls.

12/??/18 - I fired Lorena Smalls.

It became abundantly clear that Lorena was not going to defend me and was cooperating with JJ McGuire.

When I went in to sign her letter of termination she was hiding in her office crying while I dealt with her assistant Holland; It was strange.

12/20/18 - Pendente Lite Hearing (temporary support hearing);

~ 1.75 years since separation; irreconcilable. This is when the discretion comes out.

The Pendente Decree was penned by JJ McGuire and included the PreTrial Instructions. In his decree he acknowledges coercion and duress. Keep in mind that marital sabotage is his specialty.

I was sanctioned to fictitious arrearages {~$10k} and attorney fees {~8k}.

01/04/2019 - Lorena Smalls files a lien against me; invoices included

Exhibit Lorena the Liar

I gave her ~ $7k to defend me and she cooperated with JJ McGuire from the very beginning.

02/17/2019 - Virginia State Bar (VSB) Complaint reply

Exhibit "We've received your complaint and will not take action."

03/19/19 - The Trial

I get yelled at for presenting evidence. Judicial Canons were destroyed. The SIXTH amendment ... not in that court room.

04/19/19 - Judge Clark Ritchie publishes his Letter Opinion 04/19/19.


On the bottom of page 2, "trapped and miserable," - similar to JJ's Pendente Decree, "without any coercion or duress.";

I was absolutely trapped and miserable. I was miserable and the only way out was a fictitious court hearing manufactured by JJ McGuire.

Clark contradicts himself a half dozen times in his Opinion.

They say being a weatherman is the only job where you can be completely wrong and still get to keep your job. LOL

04/25/2019 - I got a consultation from Judge James Drowns.

Exhibit James Drowns

In retrospect, he knew I was coming, did damage control, and when asked if he thought it was strange that Clark contradicts himself in his own opinion, he agreed and brushed it off.

This is the fifth judge in my saga that thinks it is ok to contradict oneself for the sake of swaying the outcome. At this point in my life, you are going to hard time convincing me that Virginia's Judicial System is not an organized crime syndicate.

I gave this man $250 to tell me if this was legitimate law. He did not have a problem with the contradictions, the fact that the valuations were my fault (witch hunt), or that Clark thought Personal Training was a legitimate profession.

Why don't you tell me what you think is going on.

05/01/2019 - Motion for Sanctions and JJ mocks me for informing the FBI about them

Exhibit Motion for Sanctions

06/13/2019 - They drug me back to court to sign their malarkey.

Exhibit Final Order and Sanction

I was sanctioned $500, payable to JJ McGuire, for comparing her Personal Training to Prostitution;

AND to this day, I'll put anyone's discretion to the test because that statement is accurate.

06/26/2019 - Virginia State Bar (VSB) Complaint Reply

Exhibit we won't change our mind, no further action, re-reviewed and no basis to proceed.

Shortly after, I appealed Clark's decision to Virginia's Court of Appeals.

08/20/2019 - Clark does not endorse my statement of facts

Exhibit - Yeah, I'm the Bad Guy

Seriously, this is comical

01/14/2020 - Virginia State Bar (VSB) Complaint reply

Exhibit VSB won't change prior decision, has reviewed and rereviewed and determined there is no basis to proceed, and will not respond to multiple requests.

02/08/2020 - Virginia's Court of Appeals Issued their Opinion

Exhibit COA's Opinion

The only thing I want you to take away from this is that they (a panel of 3 appointed Judges) begin by stating they: reviewed the record, I didn't follow their rules to their satisfaction, it's not their job to identify the errors so they are not going to actually look at the record, and then in the last statement, "we've reviewed the entire record" and award fees.

Similar to Clark's Opinion, a Judge is the only profession where you can contradict yourself in your own opinion, and still be right. Then they use that same authority bestowed upon them by our General Assembly to award fees.

03/04/2020 - JJ McGuire Motions court for hearing to award fees

Exhibit Attorney Fees

03/04/2020 - I motion to allow video recording of hearing; seemed harmless.

Exhibit Record It

03/05/2020 - JJ McGuire OBJECTS to video recording.

Exhibit I've got something to hide

03/05/2020 - Judge Clark Ritchie DENIES video recording.

Exhibit I will not be recorded doing my job

10/26/2020 - Lorena notifies me that she will begin court proceedings if debt is not paid in full.

Exhibit Lorena Lied Again

04/30/2021 - My best Complaint to date, and I told everyone

Exhibit Image with contacts

At this point I started veering away from law and started treating it like a production.

05/03/2021 - Sent the same correspondence to Virginia's Attorney General and some more contacts

Exhibit AOG Correspondence

05/04/2021 - Received a response from the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission

Exhibit Raymond Morrogh

This particular manuscript is a little near and dear to me because after it was all said and done, I gave Raymond substantial evidence that all of the judges were cooperating, including the Appeals Judges, and he tells me that the Commission is not a substitute for an appeal.

So I Googled Raymond and Raymond was the Prosecuting attorney for Fairfax for about a decade. This man ran the most profitable marijuana prosecution business of all time. After that he was appointed by the General Assembly to cover up Judicial abuses and misdoings.

Nothing SCREAMS Judicial Scandal more than a former prosecuting attorney dismissing my allegations under the guise that the Commission is not an Appeal. See how he addressed his response to my entertainment business? It's showtime.

05/06/2021 - The Virginia State Bar (VSB) responded to my fraud documentation.


  1. The VSB reviewed my complaint and will not take further action.
  2. The VSB does not have jurisdiction over a judge; contact Judicial Inquiry Review Commission (JIR).
  3. The VSB states that it was my fourth correspondence, I did not allege conduct implicating ethics rules [their words, not mine], and the will not acknowledge further correspondences from me about this matter.

10/01/2021 - I released my 5 Episode Docuseries about my divorce.

Early 2022 I redid the financing and Quit Claim deed on my real estate.

The Court sold my information to spammers. So if you are sitting where I am sitting, the System that is supposed to serve you is back stabbing you; The original data pirates, our Judicial system.

05/06/2022 - I motioned the court to dismiss my child support because it was based on a fictional employer.

Exhibit My Motion

05/06/2022 - Erin Ramos of the Circuit Court informed me that my case is closed and I would have to get permission from the Judge to open it.

[Have I mentioned that Clark Ritchie is the Chief Judge of the district?]

Exhibit Erin Ramos

06/01/2022 - I get into a custody battle with JJ McGuire.

06/24/2022 - Lorena files her Warrant in Debt

Exhibit Lorena definitely cooperates with JJ McGuire

remember - Lorena filed a lien back in early 2019;

and then threatened to begin court proceedings 10/26/2020;

Lorena waited until JJ told her to do so.

07/26/2022 - Gerardo Delgado, of Amable Law PLLC, offers me a bankruptcy consultation.

Exhibit Gerardo works with them too

It's because I mentioned him in my docuseries (sleazy underage alcohol possession case).


The Judicial system, while necessary, if left unaccountable will become an OPPRESSION machine. Everyone is involved in my case: lawyers, judges, review commissions, attorney generals, FBI, DELEGATE); the same General Assembly that appointed Clark Ritchie is the same Assembly that appointed the Appeals Judges and Review commissions.

The Judicial system and the profession of law is essentially a for profit business created and maintained by the State (makes the laws and appoints the Judges). Not really done with this, but I'd like to tie it in with how they've treated marijuana throughout it's prohibition ...

The Gestapo were kicking down doors and dragging men out of their homes, mostly minorities, in front of their children, and for what? marijuana? It might actually be worse than dragging someone to a concentration camp because they are a different ethnicity than you.

"OMG, he's growing basil and rosemary in his backyard for mass consumption. "

Then the camera focuses on that punk cop from Rambo and he says, "not on my watch," as he taps his baton on his other hand. "Bland steak and potatoes is the only way we're doing it around here." Then his gang of goons starts mercilessly beating everyone and setting fire to the crops.

What do the Gestapo and the Police of America have in common? They were both Racial Oppressors. When the victims begged for reasoning the oppressors would respond, "we're just doing our job." The sad truth to that statement is that they were doing their jobs. The Gestapo doing Hitler's biddings, and the Police doing the biddings of the General Assembly.

You've got to remember that when our forefathers started this little experiment we call America that there were first and second class citizens; AND indentured servants. That same cast system that was alive and well in the Confederacy is still very alive and well in today's legislation and courts.

But you know what?

I'm not a lawyer;

I'm not a web designer;

I'm just a doughboy.