Why the name change? What's wrong with Steamy's?

It was August 22, 2017,

and my pursuit for a Steamy's patent came to a dead halt.

Benjamin C. Rothermel, Esq. was the third professional to step up and take a run at it.

Benjamin assured me that he felt confident he would succeed.

However, the Examining Attorney destroyed every argument Benjamin made; and then accused him of making premature arguments.

I called Benjamin a crook and never spoke to him again.


{WARNING - This document is absolutely brutal to read.}

It does not feel like they are trying to serve me; not even a little bit.

The Attorney of Record, Keith Blankenship eventually ghosted me. Despite the American Bar Association's Model Rules of Professional Conduct stating that a lawyer is to maintain communication with client, I never heard from Keith Blankenship again.


as of January 2023,

if you don't file in the DOCX format,

you may incur a $400 fine.

SO tighten up!