Campaign Proposal: The People’s Governance Act

A New Vision for Direct Democracy in Virginia


To replace elected legislative representatives with citizen-led referendums, ensuring direct control over lawmaking while introducing a taxpayer-influenced governance system.

1. The Current Problem: Why Change the System?

The traditional two-house representative system is outdated, inefficient, and often unresponsive to the taxpayers who fund it. Elected officials:

  • Do not always reflect the will of the people due to political influence.
  • Are disconnected from taxpayers, making financial decisions that impact businesses and individuals unfairly.
  • Create laws without direct voter input, leading to policies that do not serve the majority’s interests.

By transitioning to a citizen-led referendum system, we can return power directly to the people who fund the government—taxpayers and residents.

2. The New Governance Model

Instead of elected representatives, Virginia will adopt a hybrid direct democracy system with two governing bodies:

1. The People’s House (Direct Referendum Chamber)

  • All state laws, budgets, and major policies will be passed through public referendums.
  • Virginia residents vote directly on legislation instead of electing representatives.
  • How it works:
    • Proposed laws require a certain number of citizen signatures to be placed on the ballot.
    • Votes are held on a rolling basis (quarterly or monthly voting system).
    • Secure online and in-person voting ensures accessibility.

2. The Taxpayer Senate (Economic & Policy Advisory Council)

  • A non-legislative advisory body composed of taxpayers (business and individual).
  • Purpose: To review proposed laws and budgets before they go to public vote, ensuring financial and economic feasibility.
  • Who serves?
    • Members are selected from registered taxpayers—both commercial and individual.
    • They provide expert economic guidance, ensuring fiscal responsibility in policymaking.

3. Key Safeguards & Constitutional Compliance

This system keeps Virginia in compliance with democratic principles while increasing taxpayer control. Key features include:

One Person, One Vote

  • All Virginia residents retain equal voting rights in referendums.
  • The Taxpayer Senate advises but does not vote on laws, ensuring compliance with the 14th Amendment and Equal Protection Clause.

Voter-Initiated Legislation

  • Any Virginia citizen can propose new laws via petition.
  • If a proposal gets a threshold of signatures, it goes to a referendum.

Online & In-Person Secure Voting

  • A blockchain-secured online voting system allows secure and transparent participation.
  • Physical polling stations remain for those who prefer traditional voting.

Business & Economic Oversight Without Legislative Power

  • Businesses have advisory input through the Taxpayer Senate, but do not hold direct legislative power—preventing legal challenges.

Checks & Balances

  • The Governor retains veto power, but vetoes can be overturned by a supermajority of voters.

4. Implementation Plan: Phased Transition to Direct Democracy

Phase 1: Expansion of Referendum Power (Years 1-2)

  • Increase the number of ballot initiatives and allow citizens to vote on more key policies.
  • Create the Taxpayer Senate as a pilot advisory body.

Phase 2: Transitioning Legislative Power to the People (Years 3-4)

  • Gradually replace the House of Delegates with direct referendums.
  • Ensure laws, budgets, and policies are voted on by citizens.

Phase 3: Full Implementation (Years 5+)

  • The General Assembly is fully replaced with direct democracy.
  • Taxpayer Senate remains as an advisory body, but all lawmaking power belongs to the people.

5. Benefits of This System

🔹 More Responsive Governance – Laws reflect the actual will of the people.
🔹 Eliminates Corruption – No more lobbyist-controlled politicians.
🔹 Empowers Taxpayers – Those funding the government have a voice in policymaking.
🔹 Promotes Economic Responsibility – The Taxpayer Senate ensures fiscally sound laws.
🔹 Encourages Civic Engagement – People participate directly in lawmaking.

6. Next Steps for the Campaign

🔹 Public Awareness & Education – Town halls, social media campaigns, and direct outreach.
🔹 Petition for Constitutional Amendments – Gather signatures to put these reforms on the ballot.
🔹 Engage Legal Experts – Ensure constitutional compliance and avoid legal challenges.
🔹 Pilot Small-Scale Programs – Test referendum-based governance in select localities before full implementation.

7. Call to Action: Let’s Put Power Back in the Hands of the People

This is a revolutionary shift in governance, but one that reflects the original democratic ideals of self-rule. Politicians serve themselves; direct democracy serves the people.

📢 Join the movement. Sign the petition. Vote for a future where your voice truly matters.